About Eric Harrington

Eric Harrington is the moderator and the principal contributor for CONSPIREALITY TV.

The Conspirator In-ChiefEric Harrington has a BS in Physics and a background spanning science, technology, history, and politics. An insatiable infomaniac, he is part of a broad network of serious researchers in many fields commony (and erroneously) referred to as “fringe science.”  His mission with Conspireality is to bring the legitimate research in these areas to the forefront, while presenting his own thoughtful and unique analysis and socio/political commentary, as well as that of his fellow “conspirators”.

2 Responses to “About Eric Harrington”

  1. Thank you for your editorial “Profit of Change” in the July 1, 2009 edition of the Ojai Valley News. I believe if more articles of this type are available to the “thinking” public, we will see the change needed in areas such as banking and health care. Also, thank you for leading me to this website.

  2. Eric,

    Have you done anything about the anniversary of the Columbine shooting? Here’s what my co-blogger Dog Gone did.


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